“Bus Reservation System” project is written in c++. It is very simple project just to show the implement of class and object of C++. You can understand the code easily and learn how to create class and use object in c++ for your C++ project.The tasks that user can perform in this project are listed below:
1.Install the bus record
3.Show the bus details
4.Show all buses available
This project is console application without GUI. You can add many features in this project.Here data of bus information is not store in file so every run of program previous data is lost so you can implement the file handling to store all the bus details.
You can download the project from GitHub or copy the code and compile the code in gcc compiler with code::blocks IDE.
you can download the project from here.
Download Bus Reservation System
1.Install the bus record
3.Show the bus details
4.Show all buses available
This project is console application without GUI. You can add many features in this project.Here data of bus information is not store in file so every run of program previous data is lost so you can implement the file handling to store all the bus details.
You can download the project from GitHub or copy the code and compile the code in gcc compiler with code::blocks IDE.
#include <conio.h>#include <cstdio>#include <iostream>#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;static int p = 0;class a
{char busn[5], driver[10], arrival[5], depart[5], from[10], to[10], seat[8][4][10];
void install();
void allotment();
void empty();
void show();
void avail();
void position(int i);}bus[10];void vline(char ch){for (int i=80;i>0;i--)cout<<ch;}void a::install()
{cout<<"Enter bus no: ";
cin>>bus[p].busn;cout<<"\nEnter Driver's name: ";
cin>>bus[p].driver;cout<<"\nArrival time: ";
cin>>bus[p].arrival;cout<<"\nDeparture: ";
cin>>bus[p].depart;cout<<"\nFrom: \t\t\t";
cin>>bus[p].from;cout<<"\nTo: \t\t\t";
cin>>bus[p].to;bus[p].empty();p++;}void a::allotment()
{int seat;
char number[5];
top:cout<<"Bus no: ";
cin>>number;int n;
{if(strcmp(bus[n].busn, number)==0)
{cout<<"\nSeat Number: ";
{cout<<"\nThere are only 32 seats available in this bus.";
{if (strcmp(bus[n].seat[seat/4][(seat%4)-1], "Empty")==0){cout<<"Enter passanger's name: ";
cout<<"The seat no. is already reserved.\n";
{cout<<"Enter correct bus no.\n";
goto top;
}}void a::empty()
{for(int i=0; i<8;i++){for(int j=0;j<4;j++){strcpy(bus[p].seat[i][j], "Empty");
}}}void a::show()
{int n;
char number[5];
cout<<"Enter bus no: ";
{if(strcmp(bus[n].busn, number)==0)
{vline('*');cout<<"Bus no: \t"<<bus[n].busn
<<"\nDriver: \t"<<bus[n].driver<<"\t\tArrival time: \t"<<bus[n].arrival<<"\tDeparture time:"<<bus[n].depart
<<"\nFrom: \t\t"<<bus[n].from<<"\t\tTo: \t\t"<<bus[n].to<<"\n";
vline('*');bus[0].position(n);int a=1;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++){for(int j=0;j<4;j++){a++;if(strcmp(bus[n].seat[i][j],"Empty")!=0)cout<<"\nThe seat no "<<(a-1)<<" is reserved for "<<bus[n].seat[i][j]<<".";}}break;
cout<<"Enter correct bus no: ";
}void a::position(int l){int s=0;p=0;
for (int i =0; i<8;i++){cout<<"\n";
for (int j = 0;j<4; j++){s++;if(strcmp(bus[l].seat[i][j], "Empty")==0){cout.width(5);cout.fill(' ');cout<<s<<".";
cout.width(10);cout.fill(' ');cout<<bus[l].seat[i][j];p++;}else
{cout.width(5);cout.fill(' ');cout<<s<<".";
cout.width(10);cout.fill(' ');cout<<bus[l].seat[i][j];}}}cout<<"\n\nThere are "<<p<<" seats empty in Bus No: "<<bus[l].busn;}void a::avail()
{for(int n=0;n<p;n++){vline('*');cout<<"Bus no: \t"<<bus[n].busn<<"\nDriver: \t"<<bus[n].driver<<"\t\tArrival time: \t"<<bus[n].arrival<<"\tDeparture Time: \t"<<bus[n].depart<<"\nFrom: \t\t"<<bus[n].from<<"\t\tTo: \t\t\t"<<bus[n].to<<"\n";
vline('*');vline('_');}}int main()
int w;
<<"4.Buses Available. \n\t\t\t"
cout<<"\n\t\t\tEnter your choice:-> ";
{case 1: bus[p].install();
case 2: bus[p].allotment();
case 3: bus[0].show();
case 4: bus[0].avail();
case 5: exit(0);
}}return 0;
you can download the project from here.
Download Bus Reservation System
You can make bus reservation in c++ with guidance from the post here. Read all about it
ReplyDeleteAll things are going online and so is bus reservation system.
ReplyDeleteIf user enters seat no 4,wont it throw arrayIndexoutofboundsexception in below line:
ReplyDeleteif (strcmp(bus[n].seat[seat/4][(seat%4)-1], "Empty")==0)
thank you bro u help me lots.......
ReplyDeleteu r a genious bro
ReplyDeletebut one thing bro, static int p is sufficient, instead of static int p = 0; i guess
ReplyDeleteProgram is very good .
ReplyDeletebut there is a bug in this code.
if someone by chance or unfortunately or just by mistake if enter some character in the bus no. section anywhere , then it will go to the ASCII value of that character which looks like infinite loop .
have a look at it .
Otherwise code is good.
Keep It Up .
thank you.does anybody have this code with file too?if anybody have please help